
Published on July 4th, 2013 | by Lisa


What is your favorite market?


I have been fortunate enough to have caught the travel bug. It is a dangerous bug to catch because it’s “more-ish” and I always want more more more.

When I explore I always love to check out the local markets to see the fresh fruits, vegetables, crafts and sometimes just really cool things that I would never find elsewhere on this great planet. Some markets that have stuck out to me include:

1. Grandville Island, Vancouver British Columbia.

– I especially liked this experience because there is no chains allowed.  Great jewelry!

2. St Lawrence Market, Toronto Ontario.

– I find it hard to deny the back bacon on a bun – the ultimate Canadian  experience – eh!

3. Borough Market, London, England.

– I find it hard just to say one thing about this place. One word would be foodie heaven.  Go and go often.  Cheese!


4. Camden Town, London, England.

– this is one of my favorite spots (I think I have many). I love enjoying the international foods sitting out by the locks, the beyond cool clothes and trinkets and the overall vibe of this place. I really enjoyed getting lost in Camden Town and finding treasures along the way. Most memorable moment a bar called the Stables and pitchers of sangria with my peeps.

5.  Scarbough Market, Tobago, West Indies.

– fish, coconuts, bananas – iron pots and mops! This place has a huge array of things to try and friendly people to chat with.


6. Prague Easter Market, Czech.

– life size chocolate bunnies, savory and sweet crepes, and pretty easter trees. This was truly a cool experience.

There are so many other amazing places I’d like to share with you – some I don’t even remember what there were called – the gypsy market in Lagos Portugal, the market in Val Cenis, France, and the market in Galway Ireland to name a few.

The travel world is full of treasures some on the Main Street and others on the path least travelled you just need to follow your heart and turn down that street. You will never know what you find!!!

I’ve always wanted to go to a night market – and have never made it – have you? What am I missing?

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About the Author

I don't travel to escape I travel to self discover. To see different parts of the world to build my personal tool kit. I enjoy the path less travelled to truly learn about the traditions and nuances of my fellow citizens of this great world. Born and raised in Toronto of Trinidadian descent I never forget my roots and as much as I love leaving on that jet plane I always find satisfaction in coming home to my great city to share the tales of my great adventures with my friends and family.

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